Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Evangelicals not alone as "single issue" voters...

i read a blog recommended to me recently in which the author lamented the Christian community's tendency to vote based on "single issues" such as abortion or homosexual are my thoughts after reading the blog:

it seems that the author is selling many Evangelicals short by beckoning back to the assumption that Evangelicals alone are "one issue" voters...i am voting for John McCain next Tuesday; and, i admit, my vote is more a vote AGAINST Barak Obama than it is a vote FOR John McCain...but my opposition to Obama has little to nothing to do with his stance on abortion or homosexual union

and, for the record, Obama has created an entire campaign strategy out of "single issues," as is the case with most political campaigns including McCain's...early in his campaign, all we seemed to hear from Obama was "I will bring the troops home!" this was a single issue that many Americans were passionate about, and it contributed, no doubt, to his early popularity.

now it's the economy- specifically, tax benefits for the middle class, a promise that resonates with many as a singularly important issue in the campaign.

or perhaps we can bring up the constant refrain of Obama equating McCain with President Bush, playing on the fears of the American people that the next four years could be as bad as the last eight...yet another single issue that tugs at the heart strings of many people...

the fact is the majority of American voters, Republican and Democrat, are "single issue" voters in the sense that there are one or two of the candidate's priorities that voters deem most important to them...and their ballot is ultimately cast based upon the narrow assumption they hold that their issue of choice will be dealt with sufficiently by the candidate they choose...candidates know this to be the case and form their entire campaign strategies around this fact...go back and listen again to the debates this election year and be reminded of how many times both candidates avoided the questions being asked in order to give the same stump speech over and over again, covering the single issues that they believe are going to convince Americans to take their side in this election...

honestly, i'm getting a little tired of hearing the refrain of "single issue voters" applied only to Evangelicals, as if they are the only segment of our population unaware of the myriad of other campaign issues and casting their votes accordingly...reality is, the majority of voters heading to the booths this year could probably not elaborate the reasons for their choice beyond one or two single issues that they have decided are important...


Anonymous said...

i would love to hear why you are voting for mccain...not because i am not, but i just value your thoughts.

Matt said...

why am i voting for McCain?

it comes down to a philisophical vote for me...underlying all of the specific issues is the fundamental idea that the federal government should be limited in its powers...i believe that Obama represents a move in the wrong direction, a move toward more federal control, decisions being made in Washington DC on behalf of all of the states in the Republic, rather than giving states the autonomous power intended by the Constitution...

my original vote in the primary would have been for Fred Thompson had he still been in the race when Texas's a small sample of the ideas of Thompson that serve as a brief summary of why I won't vote for Obama...

i realize that McCain doesn't represent these ideas as well as he could, but he is closer, much closer, than Obama; therefore, he got my vote this morning...